Covid-19 crisis

How I can help you during the Covid-19 crisis

In a very short space of time, the reality of our daily lives has changed dramatically.  There is a lot of uncertainty as we collectively face this extremely challenging period.

It is natural for this to raise fears and anxiety, even for those who can usually take changing circumstances in their stride.

If you are worried and feeling stressed, or perhaps are having trouble sleeping, are irritable with your loved ones, or maybe finding your patience and tolerance at a low ebb – you are not alone.

And you do not have to struggle through on your own. There is help at hand – even through this lock-down period.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Please text or email me and I will secure you an appointed time where we can discuss what you are going through. All whilst we maintain our secure ‘bubbles’.

I look forward to hearing from you. We will get through this if we all work together.


Contact Ellen McGillivray
Reg. Counsellor and Psychological Therapist
BSocSc(Hons)Psych, PG Dip Couns, MNZAPP

PHONE: 021 433 703